Maine Medical Center Philanthropy


The Richard Engel, MD Scholarship Endowment

Honoring Richard M. Engel, MD

Richard M. Engel, MD served his community as a dedicated physician-educator and internal medicine specialist for 39 years. He was a lifelong learner, and was also particularly committed to the education of Maine’s next generation of caregivers—the ones who will keep moving care forward in the 21st century and uphold the values our profession holds so dear.

The Maine Track undergraduate medical education program relies heavily on endowed scholarships. In honor of Rich’s legacy as a dedicated physician-educator in Maine, his colleagues and friends have joined together to build the Richard Engel, MD, Scholarship Endowment by raising $500,000 to create a permanent scholarship fund to support one student per year, forever, in the Maine Track program. Each student will be known as The Richard Engel, MD Scholar. This fund represents a significant investment in the future of healthcare in Maine by:

    • Making a medical degree possible for a Maine student.
    • Ensuring immersive exposure to the satisfying pursuit of primary care medicine.
    • Promoting medical practice in Maine for generations.

This goal is achievable in time with everyone's participation!

There are many ways you can participate:

    • Use the online form below to make a one-time or recurring donation.
    • Discuss the program or investigate other giving options by contacting Aislinn White ( or by calling (207) 661-7843.

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