Maine Medical Center Philanthropy

2019 Event Registration Test

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Quantity and Pricing
2019 Maine Track Alumni Reunion
The Maine Track program has always been about more than just medicine -- it's about people and community. Our small size and shared mission mean our students form lasting bonds during their time in the Maine Track.

While residency -- and practice -- scatter our graduates to far off places, we believe it's important to stay connected. Please join is for the Maine Track Reunion.

Come for food and drinks and good friends! Representatives from the Tufts University School of Medicine, Maine Medical Center Department of Medical Education and many preceptors will also be there.
Friday, July 26, 2019 at 5:30 PM
Attendees: 1 $ 10.00 ea.
Attendees: 2 $ 15.00 ea.
Attendees: 4 $ 15.00 ea.

I wish to give an additional contribution of:  $